An Open Letter To Regular Guys In Their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and Beyond Who Are Convinced Building Muscle Gets Harder With Age...

It Doesn’t Have To Be!

Stunning Research From Chicago Medical School Finds 30-Second Trick Reloads “Muscle Generation Hormone” 
in middle aged and older men by 450% - Adds Inches Of Concrete Muscle To Your Frame And Reshapes Your Physique Faster Than Guys Half Your Age…

WITHOUT Eating Some Disgusting Restrictive Diet…
Wasting Hours In The Gym… Or Lifting Dangerously Heavy Weights

  Click the play button to watch the video below and make sure to turn up your volume
Regular Price $129
Today Only $49usd
Lifetime Access: No Hidden Fees, No Monthly Payments, No Recurring Costs, Pay Nothing After The 30 Days!
Your order is risk-free because of our 90 day no questions asked guarantee
On July 5, 1990 a group of military doctors from the Veteran Affairs Medical Centers in North Chicago and Milwaukee sent out a newspaper advertisement to ordinary out of shape men along the Illinois/Wisconsin border…

To visit their laboratory for an experiment that no one knew would send shockwaves across the globe… and bring to life childhood comic-book fantasies of “super soldiers” and almost mutant-like muscle growth.

Of the hundreds of men who showed up to the military medical center… scientists selected 12 “chosen ones” aged 61-81 who were taken behind the curtain and placed on a protocol that would fill their bodies with teenage-like amounts of “muscle generation hormone.

And after what they witnessed…
The flabbergasted scientists claimed men in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond would never again have to accept common signs of aging. And instead, could…
  • Build head-turning amounts of muscle faster than they could 10-15 years earlier…
  • Torch stubborn body fat that’s been hanging around like an unwelcome guest for decades…
  • Recover twice as quickly between workouts…
  • Recharge energy levels and keep them pumping all day long…
  • ​And push “pause” on… maybe even reverse the downward course of aging
I’ll share the results of this study in a minute. But first…

I know this all sounds like something out of a science-fiction movie… and your “BS alarm” is probably going haywire…

Mine was too until I saw another study published in Harvard Men’s Health Watch

That claims boosting this muscle generation hormone after turning 40 will… 
Stimulate Old and New Muscle Growth…
Restore Rusted Fat Burning Systems… And Shovel Protein Into The Muscles For Faster Recovery…
They even said it will “slow the tick of the biological clock”... which is a bold statement doctors from Harvard don’t make very often.  

This exciting hormone is NOT testosterone. In fact - when it comes to muscle growth… testosterone doesn’t hold a candle to the power of the muscle generation hormone.

It has nothing to do with expensive and painful steroid injections either… or anything unnatural or unsafe like that…   

Because a groundbreaking new study from Loughborough University in the United Kingdom found… 
You can boost your body’s natural production of this muscle generation hormone by 450% in seconds.

So if you believe you’re “past your prime”... or you’re too “washed-up” to get a strong body you can be proud of…

Or if you’ve been told your “glory days” are dead and gone… and that getting in head-turning shape has to be much harder at your age than it was when you were in your 20s…

Then keep reading this exciting new men’s health report. Because… 
You’ve Been Lied To…
Your most muscular days CAN be ahead of you.

It doesn’t matter your age or current fitness level… if you’ve “let yourself go” after getting married and having kids… or you “fell off the wagon” recently and are flabby and frustrated

Starting today you can leave behind all the insecurities that come with being older and out of shape…

Like getting tired and hurt more often at your job… feeling sorry for yourself when you look at an old picture and realize you aren’t in fantastic shape anymore…
Hating the way your chest and gut look when you take your shirt off… or how your clothes don’t fit like they used to.

This can be the moment you take charge and become a role model for your kids or grandkids… reignite the fire in the bedroom with your partner…

And instead of entertaining those haunting thoughts in the back of your mind of what others might be thinking… like “he’s a bit chubby…” or “the last guy I dated was stronger…”

You’ll be more confident that you’ve been since you started putting on weight and losing your edge during your workouts Because when you follow the exact protocol on this page you’ll…  

Experience The Same Eruptions

Of Muscle Growth You Enjoyed In Your College Days…

Except faster… and without obsessing over every little bite of food… putting your joints in harm’s way or sacrificing time with family.

You’ll enjoy the kind of swagger and attractiveness that draws people in like a magnet…

Because there’s something about a guy who has the wisdom of a man over 40… but a physique that most people think is reserved for younger guys

That makes you the kind of person everyone wants to be around.

So lean in and read every word of this report…

Because not only will I reveal exactly what the muscle generation hormone is… and how to boost your body’s natural production of it by 450%...

But when you keep reading, you’ll also learn… 
The Dirty Little Not-So-Sexy Secret
To Explosive Muscle Gains After 30 and 40…
And why it’s so much easier than the fitness industry leads you on to believe…

How a group of 60-year old guys from Maryland added 61.8% more lean muscle to their physique when everyone thought it was impossible…

And why researchers from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine in Winston-Salem North Carolina believe anyone… including YOU… can reverse aging from your living room.

But before I go any further let me tell you who I am and why you should listen to me.
Hi. I’m Funk Roberts… 

I’m a globally respected MMA conditioning coach, certified metabolic trainer and fitness professional who runs the largest Combat strength and conditioning website on the web… 

I’ve trained professional and amateur fighters from around the world… who compete in the UFC, Bellator, Glory Kickboxing and more. 

I’m here with my partner Jay “Flex” Marks… 
A certified strength and conditioning coach with over 30 years of experience who’s dedicated his life to helping guys our age safely build functional muscle as quickly as possible.  

As older guys ourselves… both in our 50s… 
We Can Relate To The Common But Frustrating Changes That Every Man Goes Through As The Years Stack Up...
  • ​Being “young at heartbut your body won’t keep up like it used to… when your grandkids come over… when you play a game of pickup basketball or 18-holes of golf… or even when your spouse calls you into the bedroom… 
  • ​Trying to get back in shape but dealing with nagging aches and pains in the joints that put you back on the sidelines… and it feels like you’re in this endless “start and stop” cycle of exercise and injury… 
  • ​Looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing your health has become a ticking time bomb and you feel terrible about how you’ve let your body get so far from the shape you used to be in… 
  • ​Feeling insecure when you go to the beach… because you don’t want to be “that guy” who wears his t-shirt into the water… but you also don’t want people staring at your body when you’re not proud of it… 
  • ​Just flat out sick and tired of being overweight… having muscles that keep getting smaller while the body fat stacks up… and being low on energy day-in and day-out… 
I know it’s frustrating beyond words to go through those kinds of changes…

But there’s good news

Because studies show the reason this happens is the same for every guy
Now - I get that some guys lose muscle because they start working a desk job with long hours to support their family… or there’s an injury or life event that takes them away from working out…

Heck - something like a global pandemic may have gotten in the way…

But the ROOT cause of muscle loss and resulting fat gain that happens after 40… which has more to do with a specific hormone than anything else…
Can Be Reversed With A Quick Biological Fix 
Remember the experiment from the Chicago Medical School I was telling you about at the beginning of this report?

Well that groundbreaking study gave guys our age a solution to normal muscle loss that happens over time

That will help you bust through barriers that hold back most guys our age…

So, you can experience a massive muscle-building breakthrough whether you’re in your mid 30’s and you’re just starting to notice fat crowding the wrong places on your body…

You’re in your late 60s and you’re tired of staring at small and saggy muscles in the mirror… or anywhere in between.

The method that you’re only moments away from gaining access to will…
Reload Your Body With This Powerful

Muscle Building Molecule As Quickly As It Takes
To Load Up A 9mm Handgun...

So you can enjoy bursts of jaw-dropping muscle growth every day of the week.

But here’s the deal…

You have to promise me that once I share this information with you…

You will NOT go back to the old way of doing things…

And try to train like your 20-year old self again… spending hours at the gym… running cardio like a chicken with your head cut off… putting your poor joints under heavy dumbbells and barbells

Because doing that will actually sabotage your ability to produce the muscle generation hormone and build muscle at your age…

Which will leave you stuck constantly feeling like crap… and like a lazy load who can’t get his act together no matter how hard he tries…

Because studies show as long as you’re running short on this one important hormone… you don’t stand a chance of getting where you want to be.
But by simply cutting back on the amount of time you train… and restoring the amount of muscle generation hormone your body produced 10-15 years ago…

You’ll be strong enough to take on a full list of physical labor without any help…  
Fit and energetic enough to go for hikes… canoe… take up boxing… and try new sports or activities without worrying about your body holding you back

Not to mention get more attractive as time goes by because your physique gets harder with every passing day…

Which means cute women will try to find excuses to come talk to you even if they’re ten years younger. you’ll get automatic respect from your boss & peers.
Plus - with your newfound hot and powerful muscleyou can take charge in the bedroom again with full iron-clad confidence and energy.

Here’s how it works…

From the time you were born until your early 20s…  
Your Body Produced Large Amounts Of The Powerful “Muscle Generation Molecule” Called Somatotropin.
Somatotropin is sometimes called the “wonder hormone”...  

Because when it’s active it helps…  
  • ​Build lean muscle...
  • Speed recovery between workouts...
  • Prevent fat storage...
  • Create natural energy...
  • Boost metabolism...
  • ​and keep you looking young...
In fact…  

Somatotropin is the reason you saw fast gains in the gym when you were in your teens and early 20s. Back when you could…  

Put on muscle with ease without paying any attention to your diet…  

Have two-a-day football practice and still have enough energy left over to go swimming and play beach volleyball after…  

Spend all day riding your bike around the neighborhood with friends… chasing each other around with super soakers and water balloons… stomp around in the woods until sundown…  

It’s all thanks to bursts of somatotropin…   
That gave you the freedom to do anything you wanted without your body holding you back.  

But fast forward to today and…  
Your Body Produces Much Less

Somatotropin Than When You Were Younger…

This process is called somatopause.

A study published in Harvard Men’s Health Watch found somatotropin “rises during childhood, peaks during puberty and declines from middle age onward.”   

And researchers from the University of Southern California found somatotropin hormone “declines by 14% per decade and may decline by up to 50% every seven years for adult men...”    
Which means you can’t build muscle as quickly or easily as you once could. Your body stops burning fat like it once did. And your energy and metabolism fall off a cliff.

But this is where things get exciting…

Because military doctors from North Chicago and Milwaukee found that by increasing somatotropin in the body… you can experience a dramatic boost in how quickly you put on muscle.

Here’s how the study went down…

Of hundreds of volunteers only 21 men were invited to the experiment…

9 men in group 1 were given a placebo

12 in group 2 were given this muscle generation hormone

And Within One Month The Men In Group 2 Had A 359% Higher Amount Of Somatotropin Pulsing Through Their Veins...

Which led to an 8.8% increase in muscle mass… and 14.4% decrease in body fat… especially around the belly… 

While the other group saw hardly any change at all.  

Now listen… 

I’m not going to hide anything from you…  

The men in this study were injected with a synthetic form of somatotropin hormone. But I’m not interested in painful, expensive injections. And I’m sure you’re not either…  

Because not only do injections like that “switch off” any chance your body has of producing somatotropin on its own… which chains you to a lifetime of trips to the doctor’s office for injections… 

But those injections can run upward near $2000 per month
And wasting $2000 per month for the rest of your life isn’t an option. So here’s what I’m getting at… 

This study showed by having more somatotropin in your veins… you can build concrete muscle and torch body fat much faster than you could without it…  

But it turns out you can get a BIGGER boost naturally than those guys got from the synthetic stuff… by following a super-simple protocol. 
Because a study group from Loughborough University in the United Kingdom came along years later… and tried to replicate this boost in somatotropin production…  

WITHOUT injections. 

And that’s exactly what they did. In fact…
They created an exercise protocol that only takes 30-seconds to do
And Ramps Up Somatotropin

Production By A Whopping 450%...

Which is almost 100% MORE somatotropin than the guys who were injected with it in the first study.  

And researchers from the University of Maryland who tested this same method on a group of men between 55-70 years old… confirm this short yet powerful protocol boosts natural somatotropin production 18x…  

And as a result the men in the study experienced a…  
  • ​37% increase in upper body strength… 
  • 39% increase in lower body strength… 
  • ​61.8% increase in lean body mass… 
  • ​and 26.5% decrease in body fat… 
… after just 16 weeks… and completely naturally.
Since then multiple studies published in the world’s top peer-reviewed exercise science journals have confirmed this unique form of exercise unlocks a treasure trove of this time-rewinding hormone within seconds.  

All It Takes Is Short “Micro-Bursts” Of Exercise And You’ll Release A Boatload Of Age-Defying Somatotropin Into Your Bloodstream… Accelerate Muscle Growth And Rapid-Fire Fat Loss...

No matter what your age… current fitness level… or walk of life. 


With these short n’ sweet somatotropin-boosting exercises… that take no more than 30-minutes… and don’t require a gym membership… 

You won’t have to go through the same struggle that millions of other men face on a daily basis who are trying to get in better shape… but no matter what they try they can’t get “unstuck” or overcome the cycle of frustration

You won’t be forced to let your body take a backseat because it’s just too difficult to keep up with your workouts when you have so many other things going on… 

Or feel like the “has-been” who used to be in good shape… except now all you can do is talk about how strong and muscular you once were.

You won’t have to wait months and years to see noticeable changes in the mirror using some “slow-go” training program that doesn’t work for guys our age… and never boosts somatotropin production in large amounts… 
Or feel uncomfortable taking your shirt off at the beachinsecure about the belly bulge that sticks out in your work clothes… and just feeling like every other guy your age who turns into a shell of his former self.

All of that can be in the past. And instead…

You’ll Rise Like A Phoenix Out From The Ashes...

And regain the muscle and strength you used to have… likely even more… 

Which makes everyday tasks a lot more convenient… 

Like lifting a large bag of dog food into a shopping cart… moving a case of water… repositioning furniture… changing a tire… 

And completing home improvement projects by yourself without needing to call somebody to help unless you want some company… 

Which is a luxury that most guys don’t think about until it’s too late and they’re already depending on family to take care of them. 
Plus - it’ll stroke your ego when you’re the guy people come to when they need help lifting something at the office… or beautiful women go out of their way to talk to you… 

Because there’s something about a guy who’s in great shape after 40 that capture’s everyone’s attention. And… 

Younger Women Agree That Fit Men Our Age Are Far More Attractive Than Fit Guys 10-15 Years Younger...

Because you have something they don’t… maturity and experience.

If you’re with someone - it’ll be a huge “turn on” to your partner that you’re making your health a priority… getting more attractive as time passes by… and can be more aggressive in the bedroom if that’s her thing… 

Because not only do you have more strength, energy and confidence to take charge… but you know exactly what button to push under the covers.
With your newfound energy you’ll be able to keep up with your kids and grandkids in the yard… and will have a ton of fun when they’re hanging off your biceps and saying you’re as strong as Superman… 

Plus - you’ll have that satisfaction knowing that you’re setting a great example for them of what it looks like to take care of the one body you’ve been given.  

Not to mention… 

Knowing that no one can mess with you or your loved ones even if they wanted to… because you’re strong enough to hold your own and protect your family… is a big deal… 

Especially In The Times We’re Living In Where You Never Know What’s Going To Happen Next 

Enjoying a transformation like what I’ve described is really as simple as increasing your body’s natural production of somatotropin… 

And you can do that starting right now today… using a scientifically proven somatotropin-boosting protocol proven to skyrocket natural muscle generation hormone 450%... 

So you can be lightyears ahead of the physique you once hadstronger and more muscular than you were 10-15 years ago… and show up your old self and all the other 20-somethings who think they’re “all that”.

All you have to do is follow along with this exciting protocol created for men 30 and up ONLY… 
That Flex and myself have laid out in an amazingly simple done-for-you muscle building system… to quickly transform your body regardless of age, current physical shape or anything else you think is standing in the way. 

Maximum Muscle - The Only 12 Week Muscle Building Home Dumbbell Workout Program
Created To Help You Build New Lean Muscle Mass, And Shred Fat While YOU Get Shredded In The Comfort Of Your Own Home With Just A Set Of Dumbbells And Limited Space
Regular Price $129
Today Only $49usd
Lifetime Access: No Hidden Fees, No Monthly Payments, No Recurring Costs, Pay Nothing After The 30 Days!
Your order is risk-free because of our 90 day no questions asked guarantee
Featuring the battle-tested and proven somatotropin-boosting exercise protocol shown in studies to increase your body’s natural production of the muscle generation hormone

And help men in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond quickly build shocking amounts of muscle like you could in your early 20s…

While spending less time working out… and protecting your joints from heavy and dangerous loads of weight… without setting foot outside your home.
The Maximum Muscle Program Has 3 Phases…
Phase I (4 Weeks):
Pre-Conditioning Phase
This phase is all about preparing your body to pack on as much muscle and shed as much body fat as possible during the next two phases. And even though this is a pre-conditioning phase…

It is one that you absolutely cannot skip out on.

Most guys who used to workout think they already have a solid foundation to work from… but most of them are wrong. And if your foundation is wrong you’ll be stuck spinning your wheels… with the same body fat and slow-go results that are hardly noticeable.

Don't get me wrong…
This isn’t a “baby steps” phase where you’ll hardly get a good workout in. This phase will jumpstart your body’s natural somatotropin production… help you develop a rock-solid mind-muscle connection during the most important muscle building exercises… and will give you a great base for building strength and size without putting joints in harm’s way.
Phase II (4 Weeks):
Maximum Muscle Activation Phase
After graduating from phase I you’ll enter the Maximum Muscle Activation Phase… which is where you’ll learn science backed training techniques that have been tested and proven to help guys our age build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time possible

You’re going to learn the secrets of “time controlled activation” that’ll unlock head-turning muscle pumps and add noticeable amounts of muscle that you and everyone else can visibly see the next day.

Plus - we’ll teach you what I call “no tapout training” which basically tricks your body into never reaching a muscle building plateau over the course of this program so you can keep the gains coming nonstop.
Phase III (4 Weeks):
Metabolic Muscle Phase
Phase III is where you’ll boost natural somatotropin production by a massive 450% using a strict system of workouts carefully designed to reload your body with this muscle generation hormone.

During this phase you won’t only continue adding pounds of head-turning muscle to your physique… but you’ll also burn fat faster and easier than you have in decades.

When you graduate from this phase you’ll be strongerleaner… and flat out more attractive and confident than when you started.

Once you’ve completed phase III you can rotate between phases II and III to keep adding muscle & shedding body fat at rapid-fire speed.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get When You Sign Up For The Maximum Muscle Program Today...
  Click the play button to watch the video below and make sure to turn up your volume
12-Week Maximum Muscle Training Guide
Inside the 12-Week Maximum Muscle Training Guide you’ll get all three phases of the program clearly explained so you can easily follow the structure of the program over the next 12-weeks.

Every workout in each phase is laid out for you like your momma used to lay out your clothes before school in the morning.

All you have to do is follow along with each workout in the order we have in the training guide and you’ll see noticeable results in the mirror day after day.
Exercise Demonstration Videos
To keep you safe and help you develop a connection with every lift that leads to maximum muscle growth

We’ve added exercise demonstration videos…  

This way you can see exactly how to perform each movement inside the program… understand which muscles to focus on during each exercise… and how to protect your joints the whole way through.
This is a massively helpful resource for guys our age because not only will these videos help you achieve faster muscle growth because you’re performing the movements the right way…

But you’ll bulletproof your joints and tendons so you don’t end up sidelined for a week with an injury that throws you off track.
Follow Along Workout Videos
Each workout inside the Maximum Muscle program comes with follow along workout videos…

So coach “Flex” and I can go through every workout with you in real time from the comfort of your own home.

All you have to do is select your workout for the day… click “play”... follow along with us on the screen…
And it’ll be like we’re right there with you showing you how to dominate the workout… cheer you on… and celebrate your success.

Do this and you’ll unlock automatic results beginning the very first day and continuing the next 12-weeks like clockwork.
Max Muscle Print and Go Tracking Sheets
Listen… when you are building muscle you need to constantly track your progress, weight and results for each workouts

This is #1 way you can monitor you results and adjust if needed

And it may be “old school…

But printing off your tracking sheets and using them with the follow along workout videos will be a game-changer in your results.
We decided to make things easier for you by hooking you up with  “ink-friendly” print-and-go tracking sheets...

That you can keep right next to you during your max muscle workouts…

So you can record how much weight you use…

And jot down any notes that will be helpful for the next time you hit the routine.

Just like weighing yourself on the scale… or checking yourself out in the mirror… it’s important to keep track of your progress

And strive to get stronger and better every workout..
These tracking sheets will make keeping track of your progress so much easier.
Private Max Muscle Facebook Support Community
One of the reasons men who can be “on fire” when they start a new program… yet get distracted or fall back into their old destructive patterns just weeks later…  

Is because they don’t have support and accountability to dominate their goals…  

Which is why we want you in the Maximum Muscle Facebook group immediately.
This is our private support group with myself and other guys who join the Maximum Muscle program… so you have like-minded guys in your corner at every stage and every age. This community will be full of an exclusive group of guys in their 40s, 50s, 60s and up who are taking the bull by the horns… reloading their body with teenage-like amounts of somatotropin hormone… and showing off incredible results in the process.  

You can’t go at it alone… which is why I’ve brought together the most spectacular, supportive group of guys on the planet to keep you driven on the short path to your dream physique.
Daily Accountability Emails
Coach Jay and I want to be good coaches and teammates over the next 12-weeks to make sure you get the very best results with the Maximum Muscle program…

That’s why we’re going to check in with you several times per week via email… to help keep you on track, motivated and excited about your transformation.
The content in these emails will inspire you to keep going strong with the Maximum Muscle program…  

So you can add stacks of rock hard muscletorch stubborn body fat… and boost energy levels in the shortest amount of time possible.  
Live Monthly Group Coaching Calls
When you sign up for the Maximum Muscle program you, Flex, myself and the other guys who join this exclusive group…

Will hop on a Facebook  or ZOOM calls together where coach Flex and I will field your questions… give you some of our best kept secrets for getting and staying in head-turning shape… and celebrate your success as a group.

Of all the perks that come when you sign up for Maximum Muscle… this is my favorite

Because it’s a chance for a group of like-minded guys to inspire and encourage one another with their transformation stories.
Plus, You’ll Receive These Special Bonuses
I want to make sure that you have absolutely everything you need for a rapid fat-loss transformation.

That’s why I wanted to include a few special bonuses to set you up for absolutely success!
Bonus #1:
Warm Up and Recovery Routine ($29 Value FREE!)
The secret to having a strong and muscular body that can stand the test of time is recovery and flexibility...

Both are important for joint health, mobility, and all-around pain free living…  

Which is why you’ll gain access to the Warmup and Recovery Routine that you can do from the comfort of your own living room to speed up recovery and soothe muscles and joints so they’re always at their best…

Your routine will be lead by Veronica “The Fine Yogini” and …
Inside the Warmup And Recovery Routine you’ll receive the...
  • Yoga Joint Health Routine: To instantly ease your joints and reduce inflammation in minutes while strengthening your ligaments and tendons so you can enjoy a bulletproof body that feels as great as it looks…
  • Yoga Stretch Routine: A powerful, yet gentle set of movements to increase flexibility for top-notch performance and recovery. This single routine will free your body from morning stiffness and tension after a long day...
  • Yoga Back Release Routine: If you suffer from low back pain or tightness in your spine, neck, or shoulders... then this simple series will work miracles for you. After the first few minutes you’ll feel relief across your traps and shoulder blades… plus a rush of relaxation across your lower back and spine...
You can’t put a price on a pain free life...

Which is why when you join the Maximum Muscle program right now today I’ll toss in free access to this breakthrough protocol.
Bonus #2:
Max Muscle Supplement Guide ($17 Value FREE)
Accelerate your results even more with safe and affordable supplements that boost somatotropin production naturally.

Inside this guide Flex and I will reveal the “secret stack” we’ve only recommended to personal clients up until now

To unleash massive muscle gains in no time flat… while blasting away stubborn ugly body fat at the same time.

Plus - when you give some of the supplements in this guide a shot… you’ll notice other perks too…

Like streamlined all-day energyhigher libido and drivesniper-like clarity and focus… and enjoying the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re taking care of the body you’ve been given.
Although you don’t need supplements to build lean muscle, get vascular and ripped, they sure can give you the extra 15% push for an even greater muscle building transformation…

And I recommend some that have I used and backed by science and research to accelerate your muscle growth safely

Consider this your no BS guide to muscle building supplements that actually work wonders when used correctly…
  • ​4 best all-natural muscle building supplements I recommend, plus their scientifically proven dosages to help you reach your muscle growth  goals even faster WITHOUT having to spend a fortune on products that don’t live up to the hype…
  • ​The healthy supplements that contain the vitamins and minerals you need to enhance your muscle growth, while keeping your joints healthy, giving your immune system a boost and ensuring you are super healthy during the 12 weeks.
  • ​Complete scientifically supported guide to save you from money-hungry supplement companies that lie, cheat, steal and leave you frustrated when you don’t see the results they promise…
  • ​And plenty more!
Although this guide is short, simple, and to the point... I promise, it won’t waste your time or money. 
Bonus #3:
M.Muscle Sleep & Recovery Guide ($57 Value FREE)
Studies show the #1 time of day your body likes to boost somatotropin production is while you’re asleep…

So if you want to load your body with the highest possible amount of this crucial muscle generation hormone… getting into a solid sleep routine is going to be key.  

That’s why we’re going to toss in the Maximum Muscle Sleep and Recovery Guide as a free bonus with your purchase today.

Because recovery is the glue that holds any muscle building training program together…
Remember we stimulate breakdown muscle fibres while we work out but muscle grows during your recovery and sleep.

Plus without it, you’ll fry your testosterone levels and struggle to build lean muscle. Which is why the Max Muscle Sleep and Recovery Guide is vital to your success...
Inside the Max Muscle Sleep and Recovery Protocol you’ll discover:
  • The #1 biggest mistake guys our age make before bed that makes it harder for your body to produce somatotropin while you sleep. (If you want to pack on muscle and torch body fat while you sleep STOP doing this before bed.)
  • 5 ways to signal to your body it’s time for bed so you have no problem free falling into deep muscle-building sleep on command
  • How to unlock Wolverine-like recovery while you sleep so your body recovers and rebuilds after each Maximum Muscle workout… and wake up with tons of energy the following morning…
  • ​A little-known yoga pose that’s scientifically shown to boost testosterone levels 33% in only two minutes (15)… plus, you can use this move before sex to supercharge your libido for all night long stamina in the bedroom...
  • ​The #1 testosterone-boosting sleep routine scientifically proven to boost your master male hormone up to 20% overnight (16) while your muscles recovery, grow and get stronger so you can build mounds of muscle overnight…
  • ​Simple yet electrifying daily routines that are like a injecting fuel to your muscle cells… (I’ve kept these exclusive tips to myself over the past decade and today I’m opening up my bag of tricks that will have you building muscle while your metabolism is firing on all cylinders)…
  • ​How to erase muscle soreness and eliminate joint pain so you get rock-hard and ripped over the next 4 weeks without a single body ache… (it won’t matter if you’ve had past injuries or joint pain for years… the relaxation tactics in this manual will calm your joints, soothe your body, and have you feeling like you hit the rewind button on your physique).
  • ​Plus so much more!
The biggest lie of the fitness industry is “do more to see more results.”

Which is pure balony...

As a man over 30 - recovery is your secret weapon to maximizing your muscle growth, male hormones and achieving the lean body that turns heads (and grabs the attention of women decades younger).
Bonus #4:
Master Your Mind Guide ($47 Value FREE)
When you building muscle it all about mastering your mind muscle connection…but you cannot achieve this if you have not developed a Disciplined Mind..

This guide is to help you  Create The Life of Your Dreams and Master Your Subconscious With Proven Techniques for Personal Mastery.

At Last - Everything You Need to Master Your Mind and Take Command of Your Life
Inside the Master Mind Guide you’ll discover:
  • ​You will understand the mind and its tendencies better, meaning you will understand yourself better.
  • ​You can get a grip on your subconscious and how to program it for success.
  • You will be shown the proven techniques used to develop mental strength.
  • ​You hot to use your mental strength to stay disciplined and successful building muscle
  • Develop concentration so you focus 100% on what you want to achieve.
  • ​You will discover things about the Law of Attraction that you never heard before.
  • The number #1 technique for mastering self discplined will be revealed.
  • ​A brief look into Stoic philosophy and its numerous advantages.
  • See some creative wealth manifestation tricks that everybody should be doing, but few consistently apply.
  • ​Discover why most people fail so you can succeed.
  • ​Becoming better at managing your time and resources
  • Learn why people need to be more selfish and why it's a healthy trait to have.
  • ​Plus so much more!
Regular Price $129
Today Only $49usd
Lifetime Access: No Hidden Fees, No Monthly Payments, No Recurring Costs, Pay Nothing After The 30 Days!
Your order is risk-free because of our 90 day no questions asked guarantee
How To Get The Best Results With Maximum Muscle
All you have to do to get the biggest and fastest results from the Maximum Muscle program is follow all 3 phases of the protocol as we’ve laid out for you.

That’s it.

Each phase lasts 4 weeks… and there are 4 short workouts per week so you’ll have plenty of time to recover between each one.

If you want to see the most noticeable and downright head-turning results

Then use the follow along workout videos too... because the in each workout video, you will be training right alongside Flex and Funk but the tips, tricks, form, technique and muscle building protocols can only truly be executed only if you use the follow along videos

This will be a gamechanger!
If you follow the program like WE right there with you…

You’ll flood your veins with a boatload of the muscle generation hormone somatotropin… and quickly regenerate muscle mass that most people think is reserved for guys in their 20s…

Except you’ll do it in less time… while protecting your joints… and you won’t even need to leave your own house if you don’t want to.

Sound good?

Great! So I bet you’re wondering about the price…

First off…

I want you to know that if there was another program out there like this… that uses a proven protocol to boost somatotropin hormone 450% and jumpstart rapid muscle growth, strength and energy all at once… using nothing but light dumbbells and bodyweight…
Then Flex and I wouldn’t have spent the hundreds of hours that we did creating the Maximum Muscle program.

That would have been a monumental waste of time… and like I mentioned earlier… guys our age don’t have time to waste. So we created this program out of necessity… not because we were twiddling our thumbs and wanted something to do.

And we didn’t hold anything back either…

As you can see…
We’re “Giving Away The Farm” With This Program
We’re not holding anything back from helping you achieve rapid muscle growth now and for decades to come.

With that said we could easily charge something like $399 for everything inside the Maximum Muscle program… and that’s only half of what most people would have to spend for 12-weeks of training with us personally.

But listen…

Jay & I have both had long and successful careers in the fitness industry…
So we didn’t create Maximum Muscle to earn a quick buck or anything like that.

We created this program because we know what it’s like to feel like a stud in your 20s
But then morph into a shell of who you used to be by the time you reach your 40s and 50s… and how it causes even the most respectable men wonder if they still have what it takesfeel insecure about their bodies… and just wish things were different.

And that’s why we created Maximum Muscle…

To help guys our age finally get past the frustrating roadblocks that stand in the way of us building muscle and feeling great about the way we look… and get back to feeling confident and enjoying life to the fullest.

So for that reason…

It won’t cost you the $399 we could easily charge for this program and still sleep like babies at night.

We won’t even charge half that…


When you purchase Maximum Muscle right now today from this page…

You’ll get the entire program for just $49

Which comes out to… 
Just 30 Cents Per Day Over
The Duration Of The Program!
And man - if you aren’t willing to invest just 56 cents per day into your body and life… and to experience the kind of muscle, energy and confidence that you once had…

Then I have nothing else to say except this program isn’t for you.

And get this…

Throughout this letter we’ve been talking about how important it is to naturally boost somatotropin production. Because this is the hormone that helps you rapidly put on muscle like you did when you were younger.

Well there are some people who pay $2000 per month to sit in a doctors office and get this hormone injected into their body…  

And some even pay up to $82 dollars per day for someone to stick a needle in them with this stuff.    

And I’m sure you agree that’s a complete waste of money when you can boost somatotropin naturally and more effectively with this program for a measly 56 cents per day.

So hey… if you don’t want to put in a little work to make it happen… then that’s on you.

But the wisest guys with the greatest sense of pride aren’t going to spend that money to go sit in a doctor’s office every month because they’re too lazy to get off their butt.


Because you’re still reading…

I know you’re ready for a change.

You want to upgrade your physique and build concrete muscle faster than you likely dreamed possible… and this is your opportunity to do it for next to nothing.

All you have to do to claim your copy of the Maximum Muscle program is click the button below that says, “Yes! I Want To Build Maximum Muscle!”...

Fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And within seconds you’ll gain access to the download page where you can get the entire program… and start it tomorrow… this coming Monday… or whenever is best for you.

Just click the button below to get started right away.
Regular Price $129
Today Only $49usd
Lifetime Access: No Hidden Fees, No Monthly Payments, No Recurring Costs, Pay Nothing After The 30 Days!
Your order is risk-free because of our 90 day no questions asked guarantee
And to make your decision as easy as possible

And to take every ounce of risk off your shoulders…

When you purchase the Maximum Muscle program right now today… from this page only…

Your purchase will be backed by our… 

90-Day 100% Maximum Money Back Guarantee

I’m going to make this short and sweet…

Flex and I created the Maximum Muscle program to get you results. Period.

So if for any reason you give our program your best shot… yet don’t quickly build muscleshed body fat… and feel more energized and confident

Then we don’t deserve your investment.

So if that’s the case… all you’ll do is email our customer service team and let them know you’d like a refund…

And you’ll get every penny of your small investment back.

No questions or hassles. You can even keep the program.

With that said…

I doubt you’ll want a refund.

This is the only at-home training solution for guys our age that’s created specifically to boost natural somatotropin production. And everything inside has already been tested in the trenches and proven to work for men just like you.

So don’t wait any longer…

This is a 100% risk-free opportunity that will change your life in just a few short weeks from now if you give it everything you’ve got.

All that’s left to do is click the button below that says, “Yes! I Want To Build Maximum Muscle!”...

Fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And within seconds you’ll gain access to the download page where you can get the entire program… and start it tomorrow… this coming Monday… or whenever is best for you…

Because you have a full 90-days to try it out and see if it’s the right fit…

And if you don’t love what’s inside and see incredible results… your program is on us.

Let Me Show You Everything You Get When You Order Max Muscle 12 Week Home Workout Program Today!

  • 12-Week Maximum Muscle Training Guide
  • ​Exercise Demonstration Videos
  • ​Follow Along Workout Videos
  • ​Max Muscle Print and Go Tracking Sheets
  • ​Private Max Muscle Facebook Support Community
  • ​Daily Accountability Emails
  • ​Live Monthly Group Coaching Calls
  • Bonus #1: Warm Up and Recovery Routine
  • Bonus #2: Max Muscle Supplement Guide
  • Bonus #3: – Max Muscle Sleep and Recovery Guide
  • Bonus #4: – Master Your Mind Guide For Mental Strength
Total Value Is Over $600
Get This Today For Just $49
There Are 2 Options Of Where To Go From Here…
Option #1
Option #1 is you can choose NOT to purchase the Maximum Muscle program today…

Which means you decide to settle for less than your true potential.

Because this is the only protocol for guys our age who want to boost somatotropin production… and experience what some doctors call “The Lazarus Effect”... 
Because after boosting muscle generation hormone by up to a whopping 450%...

Men typically feel like they’ve gotten a second lease on life.

But if you take this first option and decide you don’t need it…

You’ll continue along the path that most guys take… which is to sit back and let time, weight gain and muscle loss have its way with you

Try to hit the gym using the same old workout programs that have failed you before… and leave your joints sore and achy… which puts you on the sidelines for days or weeks at a time…  

You can ignore everything I’ve shared in this men’s health report and let your somatotropin hormones take a nosedive

So that no matter what you do or how hard you try… you can’t gain muscle or lose fat quickly… and instead you’re stuck with slow-go results or no results for a long time

Which leaves you discouraged so badly that you just give up.

You can chalk it up to age…

Or lie to yourself and say nothing works…

But the truth is you never gave the only somatotropin-boosting protocol for guys our age a shot. And so there’s really no one to blame but yourself

And I’d hate for you to have that guilt on your conscience when the pounds around your midsection continue to stack up… you notice it’s harder to lift and carry things that used to be a breeze for you… and your energy levels got knocked down and won’t get back up.

Honestly… this is a road paved with the bones of many guys who gave up on themselves…

And because you’re still reading… I know you don’t want to become one of them. Which is why the next option is the only one that makes sense for you.
Option #2
Option #2 is to build muscle, torch body fat and boost energy at rapid speed using the Maximum Muscle program for a measly $47…

Which comes out to just 56 cents per day for the duration of the 12-week protocol.

When you make the wisest decision and take advantage of this groundbreaking new program for guys our age…
You’ll notice exciting muscle growth beginning day 1… as you open the floodgates of the powerful muscle generation hormone… & give yourself an advantage that most guys will never experience after turning 40.

But you have the keys to the corvette so to speak

And it’s really as simple following along with the program like we’re right there with you… and you’ll accelerate your muscle building and fat loss results…

So that in just weeks from now when you look in the mirror… you won’t feel disappointed in yourself and wonder how you let it get this bad. Instead…

You’ll stare at your physique with pride… because you’ve put in just a little bit of workand now have a strong and ripped physique that makes you feel confident and in-charge with or without clothes on.

Your colleagues and boss will have more respect for you because you take care of your body and health better than anyone else they know… without watching every piece of food that goes into your mouth and still being able to have a good time…

Your spouse is going to think you’re the hottest hunk in the room again… and will love the energy you bring into the bedroom again

She may even get a little jealous when she notices other women are giving you extra attention to… but that just comes with the territory of being a guy who keeps in great shape into his 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

Your kids and grandkids will see you as an inspiration because of your hard work and dedication to keeping yourself healthy… and you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’re taking care of your body

So you can have more fun and enjoy your life now… and for a longer time to come… all thanks to this protocol that keeps your age-defying hormones pumping around the clock.

Listen man…

This is your moment to clear away every excuse… and everything that’s trying to hold you back…

Especially because all it costs is $49… and is backed by a 100% money back guarantee.

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain when you purchase the Maximum Muscle program right here and now. Don’t wait any longer.

This is your moment to commit to your own health and confidence.

Just click the button below that says, “Yes! I Want To Build Maximum Muscle!”...

Fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And get started as soon as you can. You’ll be so glad you did.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Regular Price $129
Today Only $49usd
Lifetime Access: No Hidden Fees, No Monthly Payments, No Recurring Costs, Pay Nothing After The 30 Days!
Your order is risk-free because of our 90 day no questions asked guarantee
Funk and Flex
Frequently Asked Questions
  • 1. "Growth hormone, athletic performance, and aging - Harvard ...." 19 Jun. 2018, Accessed 13 Aug. 2020.
  • 2. "The New Wonder Hormone - PR Newswire." 12 Feb. 2014, Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 3. "Action of GH on skeletal muscle function: molecular and ...." Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 4. "By the way, doctor: HGH after surgery - Harvard Health." Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 5. "The Role of Growth Hormone in Fat Mobilization - Designing ...." Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 6. "Growth hormone, athletic performance, and aging - Harvard ...." 19 Jun. 2018, Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 7. "The Intricate Role of Growth Hormone in Metabolism - NCBI." 27 Sep. 2011, Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 8. "Effects of human growth hormone in men over 60 years old." 5 Jul. 1990, Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 9. "Growth hormone, athletic performance, and aging - Harvard ...." 19 Jun. 2018, Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 10. "Growth hormone in the aging male - NCBI - NIH." 18 Jun. 2013, Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 11. "What is hyposomatotropism of aging (somatopause)?." Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 12. "The influence of growth hormone status on physical ... - PubMed." Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 13. "Effects of Human Growth Hormone in Men over 60 Years Old ...." 5 Jul. 1990, Accessed 13 Aug. 2020.
  • 14. "The time course of the human growth hormone response to a ...." Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 15. "Testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-I responses to acute ...." Accessed 11 Aug. 2020.
  • 16. "The exercise-induced growth hormone response in ... - PubMed." Accessed 13 Aug. 2020.
  • 17. "Impact of acute exercise intensity on pulsatile ... - PubMed." Accessed 13 Aug. 2020.
  • 18. "The impact of metabolic stress on hormonal responses and ...." Accessed 13 Aug. 2020.
  • 19. "Growth hormone and cortisol secretion in relation ... - NCBI - NIH." Accessed 17 Aug. 2020.
  • 20. "How Much Does HGH Therapy Cost? Same-Day Labs ...." Accessed 12 Aug. 2020.
  • 21. "What is the Average Monthly Cost of HGH Therapy? | Blog ...." 11 Jul. 2019, Accessed 12 Aug. 2020.
  • 22. "Growing Impact Of Growth Hormone - Life Extension." Accessed 17 Aug. 2020.
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